As a DDRIOC Ambassador for your school, you will be responsible for promoting the Student Advisory Committee events and recruiting new members. We know as an involved and engaged student in your community, you are the best fit to help us promote our organization. We seek to offer students incredible opportunities and access to various speaker events and workshops.
We're Looking For
We’re looking for current undergraduate, graduate, students in professional school and young professionals. We hope to have 1-2 per school to represent DDRIOC as an ambassador.
As an ambassador, we will provide you with all the necessary materials to promote DDRIOC. This includes promotional content, access to our Google Drive containing general information, marketing as social medial drafts and PowerPoint content if you have an information session. We will provide you with any support or materials that you deem necessary to further DDRIOC’s mission.
Your Responsibilities
Talk and engage with your student body!
Promote initiatives that the DDRIOC Student Advisory Committee is hosting
Host an information session (optional)
Make social media posts promoting the Student Advisory Committee’s events and initiatives
Promotion through the various organization you are involved in at your school
Any other ideas you may have for promotion, we would love to hear them!
Why Become an Ambassador?
This is a great opportunity to help educate students about ADR. ADR is not just for lawyers; it affects various disciplines. We also want to promote diversity and cultural competency in alternative dispute resolution. Students are expected to commit up to three hours a month and fill out the monthly check-in forms. Also, we ask that our students attend one Student Advisory Committee event per semester. Students are welcome to apply at anytime. To apply, or if you have any questions or concerns, please email us.